e-breathe Multimask connection
Vario connection
It is attached to the Multimask by a simple click connection. By turning the Vario connection, it is possible to regulate the air supply – thanks to the air ducts arranged with extreme precision – over three positions according to your own needs.
MM connection
It is attached to the Multimask by a simple click connection. For the MM connection the shovel and the arresting point were removed. Thus the air flows constantly into the mask. By removing the arrest point, the tube can rotate better, thus preventing the tube from twisting.

Breathing Air Hose flexible
Vario connection:
Art. No. 322-000-996
MM connection:
Art. No. 322-000-997
Multimask breathing air hoses
Material: PU

Breathing Air Hose
Vario connection:
Art. No. 302-711-105
MM connection:
Art. No. 302-711-104
Multimask breathing air hose
Fixed length.
Material: PU

Breathing Air Hose EPDM
Vario connection:
Art. No. 302-711-107
MM connection:
Art. No. 302-711-106
Multimask breathing air hose
Fixed length
Material: EPDM

e-breathe Vario / MM connection
Vario connection: connection with air control
Art. No. 302-711-107
MM connection: free-rotating connection
Art. No. 302-711-106
Multimask Breathing Air Hose
Fixed length
Material: EPDM
e-breathe click connection
The safe attachment of the breathing air hose is done by the simple e-breathe click system. For this purpose, two adapter rings are attached to the pressure relief hoods and pressure suits Outside on the hood. The adapter rings are screwed from the inside and outside between the hood material. The connection can rotate freely in the adapter rings, so that twisting of the breathing air hose is prevented.

Breathing Air Hose
Art. No. 302-001-109
Flexible breathing air hose
Material: PU
click connection

Breathing Air Hose
Art. No. 302-011-109
Breathing air hose with click connection
Fixed length
Suitable for outside pressure suits

e-breathe Adapter Rings
Art. No. 322-004-055
Flexible breathing hose made of PU with mouthpiece as emergency air supply for Inside overpressure protection suits.

e-breathe Click Connection
Art. No. 402-010-000
Flexible breathing hose made of PU with mouthpiece as emergency air supply for Inside overpressure protection suits.
e-breathe ESA connection
Optionally, a replaceable mouthpiece can be mounted on the breathing air hose for emergency situations. In the exceptional circumstance of a blower failure or if the danger area cannot be left in time, the user can be supplied with breathable air by means of an emergency hose.

Breathing Air Hose
e-breathe ESA connection
Art. No. 322004055
Flexible breathing hose made of PU with mouthpiece as emergency air supply for Inside overpressure protection suits.

Breathing Air Hose
e-breathe Inside connection
Art. No. 322-001-109
Flexible breathing hose from PU for Inside overpressure protection suits.

Breathing Air Hose
e-breathe Inside connection
Art. No. 302-001-111
Fixed length PU breathing hose for Inside overpressure protection suits.
e-breathe Inside Connection
The breathing air hose in flexible or fixed length can be attached above the hood of the Inside overpressure protection suit or directly in front of the mouth.

Breathing Air Hose flexible
e-breathe Inside connection
Art. No. 322-001-109
Flexible breathing hose from PU for Inside overpressure protection suits.

Breathing Air Hose fixed length
e-breathe Inside connection
Art. No. 302-001-111
Fixed length PU breathing hose for Inside overpressure protection suits.

e-breathe Inside connection
e-breathe Inside connection
Art. No. 402-010-003
Fixed length PU breathing hose for Inside overpressure protection suits.
e-breathe Round Thread Connection
The breathing air hose is equipped with a DIN standard 40 mm round thread (RD40). The breathing air hose can be used with full face masks and half masks that have a DIN round thread connection according to EN148-1.

Breathing Air Hose
DIN-RG connection:
Art. No. 302-711-100
Full Face Mask breathing air hose
Material: PU

Breathing Air Hose
DIN-RG connection:
Art. No. 302-711-103
Full Face Mask breathing air hose, fixed length.
Material: PU

Breathing Air Hose EPDM
DIN-RG connection:
Art. No. 302-711-108
Full Face Mask breathing air hose, fixed length.
Material: EPDM

e-breathe RG connection
DIN-RG connection:
Art. No. 402-910-200
Full Face mask breathing air hose, fixed length.
Material: EPDM
Accessories & Spare Parts

Protection Cover
Art. No. 116-001-041
Protective cover for breathing air hoses
Material: Limited-Use
Compatible with all e-breathe breathing air hoses

Protection Cover (Reusable)
Art. No. upon request
Protective cover for breathing air hoses
Material: Reusable
Compatible with all e-breathe breathing air hoses

Protection Cover
Art. No. upon request
Protective cover for breathing air hoses
Material: Aluminised
Compatible with all e-breathe breathing air hoses

Safety rubber
Art. No. 322-000-995
Safety rubber for hose (VPE 4)
Material: EPDM
Compatible with Multimask & Click breathing air hoses

Art. No. 230-101-00
Female hose adapter thread
Material: PA
Compatible with DIN round thread connections